The news finally went through, a day late, but it’s final.
Some bad news coming out of Flames land yet again, this time another deal, which would be considered blockbuster if it weren’t for yesterday’s transaction, with under-performing centerman Oli Jokinen at the heart of the matter.
The deal involves Jokinen and Prust to NY Rangers for Ales Kotalik (remember him from Edmonton) and Chris Higgins.
Update: Nobody seems to know why Calgary is stalling the deal, and Jokinen will be in the lineup tonight. What this seems to indicate is that the NY Rangers ‘sources’ leaked the info and Calgary side has kept tight lipped. Jerks.
Update 2: The call finally went through. Tough to be Jokinen on this one, and Prust for that matter. Having to play in a game when you know you’ll be traded after….not cool on the blokes from NY who leaked this trade.
Flames fans, after Monday night’s loss to Philly, will be sad with this trade. Why? Because we get a player who DEFINITELY doesn’t want to be here in Kotalik, and certainly won’t be playing hard. He’ll just be a 3 million dollar bust. So we just went average to WORSE.
Higgins may be a good fit, but even he’s ICE COLD and hasn’t scored all season. Just what we need, another ‘used to be talented’ hockey player.
So basically Calgary doesn’t have any talent left and seem to be throwing in the towel on the season. WIthout the gift of foresight you can’t help but see it any other way.
well just proves my point that Darryl Sutter thinks only about today and tomorrow and not the long term future. He reacts in knee jerk fashion emphasis on jerk. Why don’t the owners fire him. Why did he get Jokinen in the first place and spend all that money to get him? And players. What kind of team spirit is going to be in that locker room now? Everyone is going to be watching their backs not looking out for their mates. Arg I’m outta here. :(
Long term plan is to free up cap space to re=allocate cash for forwards. OF the 7 who came to the team today maybe 3 will be back next year.
What a fiasco, how can any player on the team not suspect a trade?
How could the coach and the manager even walk into the dressing room?
The Sutters should hang their heads and resign, with what little undisserved respectthey have.
Discusting…, shame on the Sutters!!
Minus coach and manager!!!!!
This I think is going overboard. We did need a change but Sutter making too many changes now at the wrong time of year? Only time will tell but I think things are looking grim in Flameland :(
I think you are right on this one, Flaming Moe. The trade fiasco is really going overboard and as Cindy says, the team must have known their fate long ago….the reason for their lack of efforts……Oh I hope Sutter does not regret these deals after its too late..
I don’t think I appreciate this blockbuster deal… first the Phaneuf one and now the Olli Jokinen one… that’s too bad and with so many drastic changes, I don’t think the Flames hockey club will look good …..with all the readjustments. The Flames played well last night against the Oilers and everything seemed dandy…. but today the story changes. Phew! that looks bad…..
Does it ever look bad. Kostilik wouldn’t give up his waiver so for the present we have a very expensive centre (Jokenen) wondering what his future will be in Calgary. Not to mention how Prust feels, one of our hard-nosed, hard-working players.
Sutter seems to be making un-Sutter like moves????
Definitely un-Sutter like moves. It also sucks if Jokinen plays tonight knowing he will be traded. I do’nt want Kotalik for 3 million for two more years. He sucked in Edmonton and doesn’t want to come to Calgary.
I certainly wish Calgary Flames fans can do something to put an end to this fiasco. It is also disgusting particularly because we will have someone in our team who does not want to be in Calgary…. That truly sucks, Barry.
That trade for Kotalik is not a done deal yet, and even it does get done, I think Sutter is still going to go after Kovalchuck (spelling)
I have heard that Dallas is in this trade mix. The deal with the Rangers is still on but Dallas will also be a player in this trade. Jokinen is going to the Rangers with Prust. Higgins and Kotalik to Dallas, also a flames forward will go to Dallas(maybe Hagman) and coming to Calgary will be…..wait for it…Brad Richards. Thats right Calgary remember where you heard it first. I am also told that Peter Mahr may mention this senario on the Fan tonight. Stay tuned… This is from someone that has a so called in on the Flames. Food for thought!
Way to go Flaming Moe. I figured there would be a trade still hanging in the mix, but I was floundering trying to figure out who would finally end up here. I dreamed of someone like, Lacaveluer (spel.) from Tampa, but I was just dreaming. Your analysis makes a lot of sense. Anyway, we can hope.
We are getting somewhere finally, Del
Where did you hear this? Really like the idea of Richards coming over, can’t stand the idea of Kotalik.
I am not sure about this one, Daryl, but I was on the Calgary Flames website and read an identical comment about Kotalik not being Sutter’s target….I have a feeling that there is something positive in the air….keep your fingers crossed, Daryl.
I know these guys get paid alot but they are still people and should not be treated like commodities or cattle. I think D. Sutter has destroyed whatever team spirit or chemistry y know the intangibles that carry a team far into the playoffs. I agree with anar that Flames fans have been left dangling in their loyalty. This is painful like going to the dentist :( a soap opera. Sports should not be a soap opera!!!
I heard this from someone on the Official Calgary Flames facebook group. I’m not sure how accurate this is but to me it makes sense. Also Darryl was in Dallas last week so I would imagine where there is smoke, there is fire. I hope that this could be worked out, it is something we have been lacking for a long time. Watching the Flames game tonight we look very lacking in the emotion department. I guess everyone is still a bit shell shocked…
Richards is just smoke, he has a NTC so it’s serious, we’re getting Kotalik who licks the undersides of my hockey insoles.
I agree, making this many trades (assuming the Jokinen/Prust trade is not a lot of smoke – which it doesn’t look like it is) is not a good idea all at once. This proves that Sutter is panicking and doesn’t know what he is doing. Leave the TO trade as is and let it see how it works. Look folks, if you have a stock portfolio that goes in the tank, you don’t sell everything – you tinker. Get rid of underperformers and see how the rest work out. Ollie tries hard, maybe the new players will add some chemistry. But you have to wait for that to develop, you can’t make wholesale changes.
The prospective NY players are not worth the give up. Prusty is coming along fine and at the very least provides character to a team that is sadly lacking in it. I feel sorry for Joker – he’s got heart.
My sentiments echo your thoughts exactly. Sutter is done after this, yes he freed up money, but my patience is up, you’re GONE!
You got it Barry. The Board has got to be getting fed up. I’ll bet that they will wait to see what happens come first round time. If the boys don’t make it into the playoffs, or make a first round exit (again), they will HAVE to make a move, and at least one Sutter will be gone.
I actually think you’re wrong. Sutter will have the entire next seaso non board. There’s no way he could trade phaneuf if he didn’t submit a sort of 3-4 year plan for it. He’s here for another year minimum. I get the whole having to re allocate funds for the forwards but don’t do it at the expense of th eseason.
Slightly depressing, but you could be right
Trade has gone through, and depending on who you talk to Kotalik waived his NTC or it doesn’t kick in before this June.
Jokinen on audio had this to say:
1) Settled his family here cause he was excited and wanted to stay for the rest of the his career.
2) Traded felt like being slapped in the face.
Maybe he’ll come back for less money? Unlikely….after this.
That’s sad about Jokinen. He didn’t turn out to be the player we had hoped for or maybe he came to a system that didn’t fit him. In any case it was obvious that he gave it his all.
After tonight’s game, I find I am very unhopeful about our chances this year or even the next couple of years. Reason being, it will take a while to transform this team to fit the new rules in the NHL.
Every time D. Sutter talks he must have one hand behind his back with 2 fingers crossed. I hope the Sutter era will be over soon. This team did not need the major surgery it just had. If the fans would for only one game pull a Tampa or Florida(ie more empty than bums in seats) then maybe the ownership would wake up and smell the coffee!! Winning in sports is more about the inmeasurable bonds between players and the coach etc not just ‘talent’.Obviously this is lacking in the Flames dressing room. :(
Olli I am sad to see you go too I agree with Del. All the best to you and your family.
You are absolutely right on this one, Cindy and I share your emotions…. the team did not need a major surgery and last night’s game just proved the biggest made D. Sutter had made. It is my conviction that if nobody shows up at the Saddledome after today, it will teach management a huge lesson. You are also right, there was absolutely no bond between players and the coach- it is just not about talent. Olli did not score as many goals but neither did anybody else. But they all worked hard and that in itself should have been sufficient. Good bye Lord Stanley.
I’m in the wait and see club right now. I’m not happy for trading Dion at all, but only time will tell whether or not it was the right decision. I’m sure hoping that Sutter knows what he’s doing…
looks like there will be no trades, yet. When Conroy, Moss, and Dawes get healthy then we’ll have something interesting. We still have Lundmark and Backlund up as far as I can tell.