How much money changes hands to fix NHL games do you think? The answer is not as much as NFL, college, or NBA. Nonetheless you have to really shake your head at officiating. Calgary as a whole got the royal screw job from officials today in both the NHL and the CFL.
SEVEN penalties against the Flames including a crucial last minute phantom call on Bouwmeester that gave Detroit a chance to win it in overtime. Why oh why does the NHL continue to advocate for a shotty product on ice by condoning diving? Seriously, to mess around with questionable calls on ‘holds’ and ‘hooks’ ruins the hockey games.
With that rant over, the Flames lost cause they just didn’t close. For some reason Sutter has a brilliant idea of defensive shell with a 4-2 lead. Tanguay’s goal was the last shot the FLames had in the third period. Heartbreaking loss for sure, but you just invite disaster with timid play with league elite’s.
Conspiracy theorists will claim that everyone knows the Detroit market is crucial, that the fan base is hurting for a reason to spend their money on stuff (Detroit is practically bankrupt), and that the hockey team will win games if they consistency get to play full periods on the PP.
Cudos to the Flames for sticking to their game and pulling out solid 5v5 play. Without the refs help it was a 4-2 win.
Admittedly it didn’t help Stajan took a stupid penalty in the end (where’s that guy’s head?) But when you consistently give the home team PP after PP, even late in the game on marginal calls, it’s starts to raise questions about game fixing.
[I remember an article a while back of the massive discrepancy between home team and away team penalty calls. Albeit the Flames benefit from that stat, I wonder what it is with Canadian teams (or hockey markets that aren’t as lucrative, say a Phoenix v. a Maple Leafs.
I suppose the theory falls apart when you see that the Leafs are among the most beloved franchises….]
Back to the game. Jarome Iginla chimed in with three points, mind you the OT goal was clearly his fault (he lost his man). Kipper came up with some solid saves, Alex Tanguay also potted a goal on his birthday no less.
So to sum up, Calgary got a point, but they needed two, and they deserved two, but the refs go in the bloody way.
Notes: Back at er tomorrow, Calgary in New York. Robyn Regehr left the game with a leg injury. The Heralds Vicki Hall reported:
Robyn Regehr walked out of Joe Louis Arena on his steam. “I’d feel better if I didn’t go head-first into the boards.” #Flames
Cory Sarich a brilliant -2.
Well. First off, the Flames took 10 penalties – Detroit just had seven powerplays. The Flames had four penalties called against them in the first period, came out with a 1-1 tie and made it 3-1. Detroit took two penalties to Calgary’s one in the second. Bertuzzi was then called for 4 minutes in the third after Calgary took another two goal lead. Instead of capitalizing, Calgary takes a slashing penalty. The refs didn’t give Detroit 3 goals late to win the game. Phantom or not, Bouwmeester is gone, and Iginla should be smart enough not to try and pick a fight with a 4th liner in Abdelkader, just like he did the last game against Brad Stuart. And had Calgary’s defensemen been able to stop Datsyuk from entering the zone and undressing everyone, Calgary wins in regulation, and noooobody is even talking about the refs. But go on, cry foul because you haven’t had a meaningful game since 2004.
Iginla assumes he’s not going to play the last two minutes defensively so wants to fight Abdelkader cause he has a big mouth and Detroit doesn’t like to back it up by dropping the gloves. You’re right, he shouldn’t have done that.
10 penalties merely confirms how officials change the complexion of the game by favoring teams with lopsided calls. It’s that simple, Detroit was handed the game.
Now, do you blame the refs? No, too many stupid penalties by the Flames (can’t blame them for all). So hopefully they pick up and return tomorrow with a big effort.
So, was it the refs or not? Throughout the article you seem to go back and forth on if the refs were to blame or not. Then you say the refs handed the game over, favor teams, but then “do you blame the refs? no” You confuse me.
In any case, the Red Wings are #1 in the West right now, but instead of “oh well, we blew a lead against the #1 team” it’s “omg we should have won, refs suck, call the league.” It’s kinda silly and makes me wonder why Detroit fans take so much crap.
Detroit fans take crap? Should just be happy that you win games rather than complaining about other ppl’s observations!
The refs completely changed the game, but ultimately you can’t blame the refs for your demise. It’s an issue that should be highlighted when calls change the complexion of the game from outset.
I agree that some Flames made terrible decisions that resulted in obvious penaties, but on the other hand the refs were even worse than the Flames silly mistakes. I also feel there is a conspiracy theory that often rears it’s ugly head when playing Canadian teams over the big market American teams. I may sound paranoid to some, but I also know many others that do in fact agree with me. You don’t have to watch many games before you realize this kind of BS does in fact happen. The Flames were guilty of sitting back a bit too much in the third, but at the same time the refs were more than happy to give Detroit the helping hand it needed to win the game. Shame on them…
I think there is a ‘conspiracy’ theory but I dont think it’s canada vs. america.
Detroit’s a good team, they don’t need a hand, it just burns when u lose 2 points because of refs and not hte gameplay. Gotta bounce back!
I agree Detroit is an elite team and have the potential to come back… but the penalty calls were just one of reasons why the Wings actually got the two points. Obviously it is tiring for the penalty killers to try doing their job when it happens sequentially. Having said this, the Flames had let go a two goal lead twice and that shows lack of defense. C’mon boys, back on your toes and start winning again !!! Defence, determination and discipline are a must!!