What a way to end a homestand, forget to show up. The league’s second oldest team not only looks slow and pathetic, but they lack complete desire and heart.

I didn’t even wait for the final score. I shut it off by the second period. This team is done. They’re WORSE than last year at this time and show ZERO signs of improvement.

Simply put:

  • The defence is pathetic. If Cory Sarich and Smith are your 5 & 6 you’re pathetic. Bouwmeester is a best and Giordano is Gio
  • The offence is bunk. Jarome Iginla. You have 4 points. It’s a disgrace. Your 7 million is only less burdensome than Bouwmeesters 7 million or Stajan’s 4 million. The team completely lacks heart down the middle and there are no leaders stepping up. A sad affair. Expect changes to come very soon.

Vancouver is a good team. Yes, they can win games with massive help from officials, but their skill and drive outmatch the Flames 10 to 1. Look at the simple powerplay. On Calgary’s it’s 5 players just standing around looking like idiots. On Vancouver’s it’s creativity coupled with movement all around. That’s a coaching issue, which Calgary clearly lacks and continues to get caught up in the old-NHL Sutter style hockey.

This season looks done. Calgary, despite their run last year after Christmas, are already miles behind and don’t show any signs of battling to win games. Sure, they could tie a few wings together, but it makes no difference. Everyone in the West is miles better and the FLames are run by a bunch of clowns and overpaid aged veterans.

Even the fans were getting the snot kicked out of them:
