The Calgary Flames demolishing of the Edmonton Oilers yesterday in Edmonton to the tune of 8-1 was the largest point spread EVER in the battle of Alberta. What’s going so wrong in Edmonton? Here are some thoughts on the game, add yours below.

  • Is this perhaps the longest rebuild in NHL HISTORY? Edmonton can’t get it right despite 3 #1 and a #2 pick from the drafts. That doesn’t include their most recent top 10 pick.

  • If it’s not the longest then it’s the worst, and if it’s the worst, then you have to point your finger to management in Edmonton. Who’s in charge? Lately, as in the past 9 years, it seems as though nobody is in charge. There are leadership problems in that organization that start with competent hockey people who know how to build quality teams.
  • Have the Flames faired any better? Doesn’t really appear that way, albeit they haven’t had the luxury of so many draft picks and great talent. You’d think the Flames organization is a better run ship, that with better talent they’d have pencilled in a better team.
  • How is the rebuild going? Well there’s still problems, particularly with skilled offence and a goalie.
  • One has to wonder how long the ‘rebuild’ will continue. We’re in year 1 probably sitting where we intended. The players emerging that have surprised most include Backlund, Byron, Colbourne, and Monahan
  • Given the improvement of these players one has to believe the coaching staff should get a hat tip and the confidence from management to continue their program.
  • Last night’s win was probably more about how terrible the Oilers are and not about how good the Flames are. Cammalleri is still hot, and hopefully the Flames re-sign him (but seriously, why would he re-sign?).
  • This draft year it’ll be interesting what the Flames do. We’ll have a high pick, but then we also need to add some UFA talent. But the question is: how much? Next year will be another playoff miss, but you can bet that by 2015-16 this team will want to compete.
  • It’s always nice to see the Flames trash the Oilers, but that hatred from years past isn’t there. This isn’t the same rivalry we see with the Canucks.
  • Kevin Westgarth faced his demons and fought Gazdic again and it was a tie. Wesetgarth smashed Gazdic’s visor repeatedly and Don Cherry is right, it’s cheating for goons and he should take it off.