Calgary 2 – Anaheim 3

Too much to write about after an exciting Game 2 that was ultimately decided by the refs. In playoff hockey you come to expect a certain leeway in calls, but for the Flames, they will never (#widemaneffect eh!?) benefit from impartial officiating. They had a go-away goal called back in the second (weak, but you can see it), a late PP for Anaheim thanks to a weak holding the stick penalty (Perry interferes with Hamilton), and then an incredible dive by Kesler late to draw another to seal the deal.

The Flames got themselves in trouble late, they got down early with a weak goal, and are basically beating themselves at this point. 5v5 Calgary has this series in the bag, but they can’t stay out of the box, and make the right decisions at crucial moments. Here’s the post-game summary.

  • First minute goal is exactly what you CAN’T do, but the Flames did. It was weak, and Elliott may have shut the door after letting in 2 early, but those were two goals he can’t let in.
  • Second Anaheim goal looked to be a high stick, can’t find video on that one though…..
  • Troy Brouwer continues to take a regular shift, and PP time, all away from Ferland. Gaudreau is non-existent 5v5, but needs the puck on special teams when he has space. Instead, Brouwer and Versteeg hang on to the puck for their entire shift. Special teams are weak, they don’t generate chances, and they aren’t producing. It’s a terrible recipe to lose four games STRAIGHT.
  • Again, the officials changed the game with insanely weak calls. The Flames have to help themselves by moving their feet and ignoring all the liberties the Ducks take. The reality is they aren’t getting calls so the Flames can’t take exception. You send a message by actually winning a game.
  • There’s nothing to say other than the series is being decided by poor decisions by the Flames, and it will cost them the series.

Would love to see some lineup changes. Bouma is a plug and contributes nothing. He scored the 3rd goal, for Anaheim. Doesn’t generate chances, and makes stupid decisions. Brouwer needs to get off that top PP. He was even taking face-offs at one point b/c, well, the Flames blow at winning face-offs.

All in all, the team has to win 2 the next two at home or this series might be over.