So nobody really cares about hockey these days. We’ve seen how much it really matters. I shouldn’t say we don’t care. I think fans would love to have some playoff hockey. But ultimately, we’ve realized how little we really need it. It’s not essential. A new arena isn’t important. We value it, but it’s not THAT important to have. So given COVID isn’t going away any time soon, we should just move on, cancel the season already. We’re too busy putting our focus elsewhere.
By the way, there’s been a lot of stupid talk on social media. Do’nt believe the hype on COVID. There’s a really simple way to stay safe, simple yet hard of course. Listen to the key officials on the subject. Here’s the info you should pay attention to. After that it’s just lazy conspiracy theories or bad info. Plus, who wants to do nothing but read COVID articles?
AB govt
Govt of Canada