Game 6 in Calgary :
Dustin Boyd with an assist from Adam Pardy scored the lone Flames goal in the 5-1 loss on Saturday, but fans can only be thankful to the judgmental and bias calls that have enabled the Blackhawks to take a 3-2 lead. Nevertheless, the series is far from over and there are still two games remaining for the Calgary Flames to show up their best performance.
Game 6: Monday, April 27th @ 7:30 pm Flames host the Blackhawks TSN
In this do or die game, the Flames will have to show their determination and crash to the net. If they are penalized, so be it. It is time they prove they are more than capable – they did it when they were down by two and can do it when they are down by one. Should the Flames succeed in tying the series, Game 7 will take place in Chicago.
Game 6: Wednesday, April 29th TBD
PS: Peter Maher and Mike Rogers will host a play-by-play commentary as usual.
Iginla has to be WAY better.
As if we need any more proof that there is a pro American stance to the NHL look no further than Keenan’s account in the Herald today.
He takes full blame for the loss.
OK it is a trite truism but prevention is better than cure. If you know ahead of time what is needed to secure a favorable outcome aka WIN then why not execute? It’s better than flaccid apologies afterwards! His comments were just to soothe us furious fans. Well I don’t want an apology I want fair hockey!
Time to ship Bettman to Siberia or somewhere very remote where he can’t come back. He is ruining our game in a way no one can imagine.
You just got your butts kicked by the youngerst team in the league. Biased calls? Who are you crappin Sad Flamer! Calgary can not keep up with the speed, youth and desire of the Blackhawks. Keep making excuses and wait until next year. Another first round lose!
Hi sad Flamer. I think it is courageous of Keenan to take the blame on himself… at least his is not offending anyone else because you never know how people can react to his comments. Of course we all want fair hockey but if the top guns are involved there will be no fairness ever.
All pro sports are fixed in away. Do you really think the NBA wants nothing else but a LA Cleveland final!?! Its all about rateings and money!! And do you really think the NHL want the Flames to win?? I don’t!! Sure they might win the next game in Calgary, but then they’ll go to Chicago and lose…Again rateings and money…..
Iam with Patrick, what else could explain the two faced unexplainable flames. Iggy has to be traded this year he is not doing it. His time has come and gone and sure not being much of a leader.
Honestly speaking, everyone has a right to their own opinions. But the ultimate reality is that Flames fan will stick up for their players no matter what. If they are victorious, they cheer for them like crazy; if they lose, they stick by and support them nonetheless. If we can criticize and insult them, then we don’t deserve to be called fans.
The ultimate wonder for die-hard fans? We stick for the Calgary Flames no matter what happens!.
Well said Anar!!
If this truly is a sinking ship…I’ll go down with it. The rest of the “rats” can exit anytime you want…for #$@#$ sake….it was the first game we were truly outplayed this series. All of you @#$#$@ Flames fans that don’t believe….step aside, the rest of us have faith. It may be blind ill advised faith….but that’s the only kind that us real fans know. FLAMES IN 7….come on boys….BELIEVE!!!
I believe, AJM and I admire your confidence. I am just sick of these nasty comments that people make about our Flames.
I’m with you AJM, I’ll go down with this ship if it is indeed sinking. I have since 1980 and I’m not going to stop believing now. There is a ton of people that can’t wait for us to take a bow out of these playoffs and maybe we will. But us REAL fans stick with our team through think and thin. Flames in 7!!!
Thick and thin…lol
what excuses do guys have now? NONE. FLAMERS just don’t have it vs the young Hawks. Oh, I’m sorry, the ref’s called it wrong again…..go canucks! Pitiful…1 and done as usual
Canucks suck. They are the most overrated team in this year’s playoffs. They also took al lthe luck in the world because of Calgary’s massive dump in March. All your team has is a goalie.
LOL I live in Chicago…………………………Blackhawk fan. I thought your team played the best they could. I have alot of respect for your team and the fans. You did not give up. Too many injuris to overcome. For that, I feel bad for you. Don’t blame the series lose on the league or the ref. Quenville out coached Keenan…period. He has to go so you have a legit chance to go further. You big, strong and experienced. Be proud of your team. I respect your organization and fans. Good luck next year. Hawk fan Brian…..
Go and beat the Canucks. Quenville didn’t out coach Keenan who has years of experience over him. The primary issue was injuries in this series. I’m surprised it went to six.
The injuries absolutely killed us in this series period. Imagine the Hawks missing Keith and Seabrook? I’m not trying to take anything away from Chicago cause they played very well, but I think if we were completely healthy like the Hawks were we would be the ones moving onto the second round. Injuries decimated our line up at the wrong time of year. Now we have to watch as another team wins the Cup. All I can say is, I hope that it isn’t those over rated Nuckleheads.
I agree that injuries killed you guys. Still, the flames played hard and I alot of repect for most of them (not bourque). You guys are big! I thought Khabibulin won the game for us Tuesday. I know its hard to sit back and watch but the Flames still made a series out of it while being short handed. The Blackhawks are only going to get better so I think you’ll get another chance next year in the Western conference finals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Been fun…..
I don’t think it was as much injuries as the biased suspensions…. For some reason, the Flames got their message that they will not come out victorious despite their efforts. So why try harder and become victims of injury. Whatever happened is history now. But from a Canadian’s perspective, we should be cheering for the Vancouver Canucks because they are the only Canadian team left and they are in the western division.